Welcome to the first official version of the AskOllie.net Newsletter!
Thanks so much for signing up! It’s been an exciting month getting the website in shape. I have still much more content planned, so make sure to visit the website frequently.
In its first month, the site had nearly 3k unique visitors from the US, the UK, Germany, France, Bahrain, Singapore, Canada, China, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovenia, Japan, Serbia, Austria, Turkey, Australia, Norway and the Ukraine!
I appreciate all of your support and hope you find the information useful! I would be delighted if you could share this newsletter with your network of fellow dog enthusiasts and ask them to sign up here.
I welcome your feedback on the newsletter or the site. Please feel free to reply to this email or contact me at askollienet@gmail.com. Thanks a lot in advance for your input!